Biography - Robert Hood
ROBERT F. HOOD, of the firm of Francis & Hood, dealers in groceries, hardware and agricultural implements at Vienna, and prominent in the business circles of Johnson County, is a native of Mississippi, born in Tippah County July 2, 1856. His father, Robert Hood, was born in Alabama, while his grandfather, James Hood, was born in one of the Carolinas, whence he removed to Alabama, and from there to Tennessee, where he resided until 1862, when he came to Illinois. He settled first in Union County, but his last years were spent in this county with his son Robert, his death occurring at the age of eighty-four years. The maiden name of his wife was Mary Bowie. She too was a native of one of the Carolinas, and died in this county at upwards of eighty years of age.
The father of our subject was a lad in his teens when his parents went to Tennessee to live. He married in that State, and then went to Mississippi, where he remained one year. He later returned to his home at Salisbury, where he was engaged in teaming, and for some time he had a contract to furnish wood to the railway. He continued his residence at Salisbury, with the exception of one year in Tippah County, Miss., until 1863, when became to Illinois and located in Union County. At that time there was much cotton raised there, and he operated a cotton gin at Moscow in connection with farming. In 1867 he came to Johnson County and bought a farm nine miles west of Vienna, where he still lives, and is very pleasantly situated in the midst of comfort and plenty, resulting from his industry. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Amanda Ferguson, and was a daughter of John Ferguson, was born in East Tennessee. Four children have blessed their marriage: Ann, Robert F., Mollie and John J.
Robert F. Hood was in his seventh year when his parents brought him to Illinois, he attended the public schools of Union and Johnson Counties, and when not in school assisted on the farm. He resided with his parents until he was nineteen years old, and then engaged in the sale of sewing-machines for two years. After that he was in the grocery business for a year at Burnside, and then for three years he was employed in farming and in dealing in stock. At the expiration of that time he accepted the position of Deputy Sheriff, and held that office a year. He next entered the employ of J. S. Bridges and was in his furniture store until 1889, when he formed a partnership with James S. Francis and they have been engaged in business together as indicated in the opening paragraph of this sketch. They have a complete line of groceries and a full supply of hardware and tinware of all kinds, as well as farm implements, and they have already built up a sound and extensive trade.
Mr. Hood was married January 12, 1890, to Miss Zora Bridges, a native of this county, and a daughter of John S. and Elizabeth Bridges. They have established a cozy home that is the centre of a cheerful and attractive hospitality. Mr. Hood has an excellent reputation as a clear-headed, honorable business man, who is a potent factor in sustaining the best interests of the city. He is a leader in social circles as a member of the following organizations: Moscow Lodge No. 457, A. F. & A. M.; Vienna Lodge No. 67, R. A. M.; and Vienna Lodge No. 248, K. of P. He is active in religious matters as a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In his political views, he is a steadfast Republican.
Extracted 23 Apr 2016 from 1893 Biographical Review of Johnson, Massac, Pope, and Hardin Counties, Illinois, pages 204-205.