Biography - Minnie J. Donaghy

MINNIE J. DONAGHY. One of the oldest families whose name figures in the
history of Southern Illinois is that of Donaghy, the first representative of
that house having come to this section from France in the first year of the
nineteenth century. This Donaghy married a Miss Chapman after his arrival
here and they became the parents of one son, William B. Donaghy, Sr., father
of William B. Donaghy, the late resident of Vienna of whom we are writing
and whose demise occurred in 1898. The first Donaghy did not remain long in
this country, but returned to France, leaving the son, William B., Sr., to
be reared by his uncle, Daniel C. Chapman. After his return to his native
land nothing further was ever heard of Mr. Donaghy and it is supposed that
he met his death in some manner unknown to his relatives at the time. The
first William B. Donaghy was three times married, his first wife having been
a Miss Jones, the second a Miss Kennedy, and the third a Miss Vandervent,
and she became the mother of William B. Donaghy, whose life this sketch
briefly outlines, and who was born January 30, 1849, on a farm near Vienna.
As the death of the elder Donaghy which occurred seven days before the birth
of W. B., Jr., and, his mother having died when he was six years old, he was
raised by step parents. He inherited his portion of the estate and
subsequently bought out the interests of the other heirs in the old
homestead. Beginning with a farm of eighty acres, he cultivated it with
skill and success. He combined farming operations with teaching school, and
was able to accumulate a large amount of property during his life. Among his
properties was one fine farm containing one hundred and sixty acres, located
near Vienna, and another of equal size situated near Bethlehem in Johnson
county. Mr. Donaghy was a public spirited citizen who took an active
interest in all matters pertaining to the public weal. He filled various
township offices during his lifetime and was clerk of Vienna township for
several terms. His death on July 24, 1898, removed from the community one of
its most valuable citizens and his death was sincerely mourned by a host of
friends by whom he was held in universal high esteem.
Mr. Donaghy was, on October 9, 1873, united in the holy bonds of wedlock
with Miss Miranda J. Scott, who still survives her late husband. Mrs.
Donaghy, who was born in 1851, is the daughter of James and Theresa (Fort)
Scott, both Kentuckians. James Scott, who settled in Kentucky in 1850, was a
son of William Scott, born in Scotland, and he married Mary Conrad, who was
born in Ireland. Theresa Fort was the daughter of William Fort, a native of
Mrs. Donaghy is the mother of six children, as follows: William B., a
resident of Spokane, Washington, and father of two children, William B.,
Jr., and Dorothy Elizabeth; Mrs. Annie Maud Miller, of Fresno, California,
mother of one child, William Glenn; Mrs. Minnie D. Weirick, also of Fresno,
California, mother of two children, Dorothy Margaret and Joseph Roy; Mrs.
Flora Myrtle Smith, of Fresno, California, mother of one child, Myra; John
M., of Spokane, Washington; and Nellie M., a graduate of the Vienna High
School, and who lives with her mother.
Extracted 14 Jan 2018 by Norma Hass from 1912 A History of Southern Illinois, volume 2, pages 778-779.