Biography - Nicholas Jones
NICHOLAS C. JONES was born in Kentucky, July 10, 1829, a son of William
W. and Catherine (Youngblood) Jones, the former of whom was born in South
Carolina, and the latter in Georgia. William W. Jones was a son of William
D. and Delilah Jones, both natives of South Carolina. William W. Jones came
to Illinois in 1847, and resided in Union and Johnson Counties until his
death in 1858. His son Nicholas remained at home until he was twenty-five
years old, when he started in life for himself by renting land, which he
continued to do for three years. At the expiration of this time he purchased
a tract of seventy-two acres in Cache Township, Johnson County, and he has
by his industry and good management been enabled to add to it from time to
time until he now has three hundred and eighty-seven acres in townships 13
and 14, range 2, sections 6, range 14, section 31, township 13. Though his
education in the common country schools was limited to twenty months all
told, yet by studious application he qualified himself to teach, and taught
school one term. He was accustomed, as were all other young men in the early
days, to wear home-spun and home-made clothes, and it was a very unusual
thing to be able to buy a suit of ready-made or “store" clothes.
Our subject was married July 23, 1854, to Elizabeth Wilhelm, who was born in North Carolina, and died November 14, 1857. He was next married, April 14, 1859, to Levina Norval, a native of Kentucky, who died May 14, 1860. He was married the third time to Sarah E. Bostian, who was born in North Carolina, and whose parents were natives of the same State. Mr. Jones has four children living, viz: John W., Isabella, Dawsy L. and Ellen J. The three eldest are married. Mr. Jones is a genial and courteous gentleman, and is known for miles around as “Uncle Nick." His friends and guests are always sure of a hearty welcome. The house in which he lives and the other improvements on his farm are all of the best, and he is looked upon as a model farmer. He is a Democrat in politics, is a member of the Lutheran Church, and of Belknap Lodge No. 822, A. F. & A. M.
Extracted 07 Sep 2009 by Rick Girtman from 1893 Biographical Review of Johnson, Massac, Pope, and Hardin Counties, Illinois, pages 615-616.